SpaceLib© is a library
for 3D Kinematics and Dynamics of system of rigid bodies. It is currently used
in Robotics and Biomechanics. The library is based on an extension of the 4x4
transformation matrix approach by Denavith and Hartenberg . The
present extension adds 4x4 matrices for the velocity and accelerations (angular
and linear) plus 4x4 matrices for forces (and torques), momentum (angular and
linear) and inertia.
Three versions of the library are available for numeric applications (C-language,
Matlab) and one for symbolic calculation in Maple (requires version 9.5).
SpaceLib© is free available for NON
profit purposes. Free use includes scientific and educational
activities. The use of SpaceLib© should be
mentioned in papers reporting work developed with the help of this library. For
commercial activities, please contact the author.
Click here if you want to download the library